GHS - Technological developments in the health sector is increasing. It is characterized by a wide range of discovery tools increasingly cangih health. The following are 5 invention cangih medical devices which are also claimed as the year of medical devices:
- MelaFind: Skin Cancer Scanner Based Electromagnetic Waves
This tool be functioning as a detector capable of distinguishing moles are harmless to skin cancer (melanoma), a deadly cancer that attacks the skin and has a shape similar to a mole. Examination of melanoma generally use a tissue sample or more commonly called a biopsy. However, sometimes the procedure is considered ineffective because it could be suspected of being a mole that turned out not dangerous cancer. This equipment utilizes the technology of photography with different types of electromagnetic wavelengths. Then the data obtained are matched with melanoma database that has been collected before. The following illustration sightings date device health.
- Aspirin Electric
Aspirin eletric |
Headaches and migraines can generally be relieved by aspirin. Now scientists succeeded in developing advanced medical devices that can fight the pain of migraines and headaches. These include a small electrical signal transmitter that can be implanted in cranial (skull), especially in the jaw bergusi. Such a device would emit electrical impulses to block pain signals emitted by the head part of the nervous system called the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG) is.
- Plaster Anti Diabetes
Controlling glucose levels or blood sugar in people with diabetes mellitus or diabetes is generally done using a blood test periodically. It is certainly very disturbing comfort and must be done carefully so as not infected with various types of disease-causing microbes. However, Echo Therapeutic, a provider of medical equipment successfully developed anti-diabetic plaster. The plaster can be applied to the skin and biosensornya will detect biochemical changes in the skin due to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. The information obtained is sent wirelessly to the special monitor. Easy is not it? With anti-diabetic plaster, you do not need to bleed again to determine kglukosa in the blood.
- ROBODOC: Robot Advanced Medical Check-Up
Forget Robocop! Begin acquainted with one of the works developed two robotic technology company iRobot Corp. who deals in the world of robotics and InTouch Health, which has a good reputation in the development of health technology. ROBODOC named RP-VITA Remote Presence Robot has the ability to monitor indicators of the vitality of the patient from the room-kekamar other without interference (intervention) is generally higher when the conditions in the hospitals crowded. In 2013 then, the robot is otherwise still in the stage of trial by related parties.
- Cathater Sapiens: Tools and Patch Heart Valve Surgery
Katater Sapiens |
This tool is used to perform the operation and installation jantuk paseien heart valve in the emergency and unable to pass the rigor during the operation phase. This Katerer will pair the heart valve through the femoral artery to the heart valve patients were broken and "patch".
That's the latest technological developments in the field of health or medical, may be useful :)
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