GHS - Indonesia is a country that is very rich in sunshine. Unlike the four seasons country or countries that growing niche to be close to the polar regions that do not always get the sun throughout the year, we are fortunate enough Because if there is no carrier thick rain clouds, the sun can Easily give kindness to human life , Unfortunately, the latter tended to prefer to avoid the sun for one simple reason: fear of skin Become darker.
A study conducted in Sweden, a country that is quite close to the northern polar circle Examined the effects of sunlight on the body, in this case of participants white women who are not exposed to sunlight for a long time, showing results quite surprising: Swedish Women Often who avoid the sun turns two times greater risk of dying from any cause, the which could be skin cancer. In addition, women are rarely exposed to sunlight will Also be deficient in vitamin D so that the risk of health problems in the heart and blood vessels has Increased dramatically.
Indonesian society is now so inclined as much as possible to protect the body from sun exposure. Hot sun and stinging suppose to be the main cause of skin become darker and also skin cancer. Unfortunately, our habits to avoid as much as possible to sunlight or wearing masks and body all the time when we leave the house will make the body lacks vitamin D. Children today also prefer to play at home instead of playing in the sun afternoon rich in vitamin D like in the morning. This means that modern society it would have a greater risk of getting the disease osteoporosis or bone loss.
Besides bad for bone health, the tendency of modern society are rarely exposed to sunlight it can also increase the risk of autism. A study showed that if the people who live in countries with rich sunshine throughout the year turned out to have a case of two times lower when compared to people living in countries with limited summer. Seeing these facts, you are sure they do not want to enjoy a refreshing warmth of the sun in the morning or evening?
This is Awesome Benefits of Sunlight for Health:
Cure skin diseasesExposure to sunlight for about four weeks to cure skin diseases such as psoriasis.
Improved mood
A study revealed that bask in the sun on a sunny morning can relax the mind and reduce stress.
Good for cardiac health
Besides being able to reduce excess cholesterol levels and improve heart health, exposure to sunlight is said to help in lowering high blood pressure.
Preventing CancerAnother benefit of sunlight that is preventing the emergence of various types of cancer, such as breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer. In addition, the sun is also useful in improving blood circulation and kill cancer cells seedlings.
However, if you are exposed to the sun for too long, it can cause skin cancer.
Enhance immune system
The immune system in the fight against infectious diseases. Sun helpful to boost our immune system by increasing the number of white blood cells and gamma globulin are both essential to fight infection. Thus, our body will be spared from a variety of viral and bacterial infections.
Make sleep soundly
Whenever sunlight into our eyes, eat there signals that enter the brain via the optic nerve. This process will increase the production of a chemical called melatonin. These substances help in improving the quality of our night's sleep.
Cleanse the body and skin
When we walked in the sun for a few hours, your body will issue the sweating so that increased intake of fluids. The impact, we will consume more water than usual.
The water we drink will then be excreted as urine and with it the toxins from our body will come out. In addition, the sweat can also clean the pores and make the skin look fresh and healthy.
Prevent multiple sclerosis
Sunlight has been proven to prevent hardening of the tissues of the body that can lead to atherosclerosis. If the stiff blood vessels, blood flow to the vital organs of the body will decrease and can cause complications such as heart attacks.
Sunlight has an effect that can make the body's tissues to relax so that multiple sclerosis can be prevented.
Making the body more energetic
Another benefit of exposure to the sun which increases the capacity of red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body. As a result, your body will feel energized and active.
Preventing fungal infections
Solar radiation can effectively help reduce skin fungal infections by killing fungus that grows in moist environments.
Lowering cholesterol levels
Vitamin D, which is produced through exposure to sunlight, absorbing excess cholesterol found in the blood and turn it into a steroid hormone.
Prevent dementia
Sunlight stimulates various chemicals in the body that are useful in maintaining brain health.
Promote growth in children
Recent studies have revealed that children who are exposed to the sun in the first few months since the birth will have optimal height and posture better.
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