Definition of Health by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 states that the definition of health is "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".
- In 1986, the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said that the definition of health is "a resource for everyday life, not the goal of life Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical abilities.
Health is a state of well being of body, soul, and social to enable more people to live socially and economically productive.
Health by Larry Green and colleagues
Even simpler definition proposed by Larry Green and his colleagues wrote that health education is a combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary adaptations to conduct conducive to health.
So, based on some of the above definition, health is a state of being of body, soul, and social to enable more people to live socially and economically productive.
- Spiritual/ Mental HealthThe term "MENTAL HEALTH" is taken from the concept of mental hygiene. Mental word taken from the Greek, the same understanding with the psyche in Latin which means psychic, mental or psychological. Thus the term mental hygiene serve as a mental health or mental dynamic not static because it shows their improvement efforts. (Notosoedirjo & Latipun, 2001: 21).
According to Dr. Jalaluddin in his book "Psychology of Religion" that:
"Mental health is a state of mind that is always in a state of calm, safe and secure, and efforts to find peace of mind can be done by adapting themselves resignasi (surrender completely to God)".
Meanwhile, according to understand medical science, mental health is a condition that allows development of physical, intellectual and emotional development of the optimum of a person and that are aligned with the positions of others.
Zakiah daradjat define that mental health is the realization of genuine harmony between mental functions and the creation of adjustment between the individual with himself and his environment based on faith and piety, and aims to achieve a meaningful and happy life in this world and hereafter. If healthy mental achieved, the individual has the integration, adjustment and identifying positive impact on others. In this case, the individual learns to accept responsibility, become self-sufficient and achieve the integration of behavior.
Of the several definitions that have been mentioned above, it can be understood that a healthy person mentally is to create harmony in the functioning of the soul as well as achieving the capability to face the problems of everyday life, so that the happiness and satisfaction in him. Someone said to have a healthy mental, when he avoid the symptoms of mental illness and take advantage of its potential to harmonize the functions of the soul in him.
- Phisical Health
Healthy body is an important component in the sense of healthy whole, in the form of a human figure who look clean skin, eyes shining, hair neatly combed, dressed, muscular, not fat, breath does not smell, taste eating well, sleeping well, agile and all the physiological functions of the body running normally.
Physical and spiritual health benefits for someone, that person of sound mind can produce something useful (more valuable) to other people and the surrounding environment. A person who is of sound mind can work and produce the work or the maximum work, good, and excellent. Spiritually healthy person will do anything positive, good, and useful. People who are spiritually healthy will also help other people and others who need assistance.
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