GHS - Among some of the disease is a scourge for many people, epilepsy is one of them. Epliepsi has consequences in terms of socio-economic, such as the emergence of shame in relationships, loss of driving license, difficulty performing work and so on. Additionally, epilepsy can happen to anyone in the world without restrictions of age, gender, RAS, social and economy.
Epilepsy is a disorder caused by the formation of electrical signals in the brain that causes recurrent seizures.
What caused it?
According to the researchers, the attack occurred because of a surge in activity in brain cells. The cause of this surge is still unclear.
If suddenly there is a kind of grand mal attack, what should I do?
People who are around him should wait and let up its attacks subsided. Just make sure the situation around safe and he could breathe, says The Encyclopedia of the Brain and Brain Disorders. However, it adds, if the attack lasts more than five minutes, or if it was not long before the attack again, or if, after the attack subsides that people are still not aware, too, immediately call an ambulance.
What should I do if he's awake?
First, calm him. Then, help him up and take him to a convenient place so he could rest. People who are new attack will generally feel confused and drowsy, although some are able to instantly recover and move back.
Does every hit, people will seizures?
No. There also are like dazed momentarily but not unconscious. It is also called petit mal attacks, and usually no effect was prolonged thereafter. Some epileptic petit mal seizures are long, about a few minutes. If that happens, the patient may be circling the room, tugging at his shirt, or weird. After the attack, he may feel dizzy.
How does it feel to be an epileptic?
It is understandable that people with epilepsy is continually striving to conquer worry, because the next attack could occur at any time. They may tend to avoid crowds so do not feel embarrassed if the attacks come again.
What kind of support I can give to people with epilepsy?
Instruct him not harbored feelings. Listen to him attentively. Ask what help you can give if one day he is exposed to attack. And, people with epilepsy are usually not allowed to drive. So, if you want to go somewhere, perhaps you could offer a ride or help take care of something.
Is the frequency of attacks may be reduced, or even prevented?
There are several factors that tend to increase the risk of attack, such as stress or lack of sleep. Thus, according to experts, people with epilepsy need to get enough rest and exercise routine so that stress is reduced. Occasionally, an attack can also be prevented by taking the drug.
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