GHS - Why More Women Hold Stress Than Men ?. Laminine a very good herbal nutrients to repair damage to body cells and brain as well as good nutrition to improve depression and stress. Public opinion says that men and women respond to stress differently. Women are generally more resistant to stress. When facing heavy pressure of work, household complex problems, and other issues that preoccupy and stirring emotion, more women could still think clearly. Chronic stress is less common in women than in men.
Why so?
The answer lies in the female sex hormone, estrogen, which turned out to be protecting their brains to stress, according to the findings of US researchers. It even could be another reason why women live longer than men, said the head of research Professor Zhen Yan of the University of Buffalo.
Mice that stress
In their experiments, the research team investigated the molecular mechanisms associated with stress on brain function. For that they are physically confine young male rats and female in a small cylindrical cages two hours a day for one week. This action is intended to create a stress rats.
To test the animal's short-term memory, the researchers placed into a cage a pair of identical objects, followed by a pair of second body an hour later. Mice with curious investigate unknown objects it carefully. Three hours later, they presented the mice with one item from each pair. Mice spent more time checking out the object of the first pair indicates that the animal remembered from four hours earlier. Rats are more like objects than the second pair of newer shows he has short-term memory impairment.
The weakening of memory
The researchers tested the memory of the animals before and after exposure to stress. In male rats, both before and after a week of exposure to stress, memory performance is very different than in female rats. Memory performance deteriorated in male rats under stress, especially short-term memory.
Male rats checking things they recognize as if it had never seen before. Yan said that the stress in male mice to reduce levels of the neurotransmitter glutamate receptors in the brain called the prefrontal cortex, the area that controls attention, emotions, decision-making and memory performance.
The group found that young female rats also stressed by physical restraint week, but it did not cause a decrease in their ability to remember and recognize objects they had seen a few hours earlier. These experiments found that despite the stress, the female rats have the same levels of glutamate receptors in prefrontal cortical regions such as prior to the study. These data support the hypothesis that glutamate receptors play an important role in the response to stress.
Estrogen as protector
Apparently, estrogen prevent the negative effects of stress on these receptors. Male rats given synthetic estrogen (estradiol) by researchers react to stress in the same way with female mice. Conversely, when the researchers blocked the effects of estrogen in female mice, memory performance weakened as male rats.
Which recognizes that the result is a new group based on a study of rats. However, this finding could be relevant in humans because many cellular functions are similar between the two species. We believe that this mechanism also occurs in humans.
This is especially true on the effects of estrogen as a reliever of stress in the brain, which benefit women. If the protection is interrupted, for example, with a decrease in production during menopause or after childbirth due to hormonal fluctuation will increase the risk of depression Adding estrogen may help to stabilize the performance of nerve.
However, estrogen may have unwanted effects. In men, excess estrogen can cause feminization. It may be helpful to find drugs that have effects similar to estrogen in the brain without causing side effects. This can be a very effective therapy for stress-related problems in men, the researchers said.
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