GHS - The age of 40s is the age which is often regarded as a phase in which an adult must start preparing for old age to be in a healthy condition and quality. One of the preparations to be made by those who are already at the age of 40s is to maintain muscle and bone health. As we know, this age is a vulnerable age where bone loss can begin to happen if we can not keep it properly. If we allow bone loss begins just like that, then we can trigger the bone disease osteoporosis in which bone will tend to be very thin and fragile that if we fall we can fracture easily. To prevent this from happening, we can do some things such as the following.
Maintaining healthy bones and muscles, we must also begin to pay attention to what foods we konsumsu every day. Age 40s means we should start to increase the intake of foods rich in calcium and vitamin D. In addition, do not forget the mineral-rich foods that can maintain healthy bones. Sources of calcium and vitamin D in the diet can be found in milk, salmon, broccoli, or food made from soybeans. In addition, egg yolks or in the fish oil rich in vitamin D can also be consumed.
In addition to food, we also should start a regular exercise in their 40s, especially exercise in the morning where the warm sunlight is rich in vitamin D ang can maintain healthy bones and muscles. Needless to exercise with a portion of the weight given that the major sports are routine and regularity that can maintain the freshness of the body, bone strength, to the circulatory system. In order for your exercise routine does not become boring, choose a sport that you like so that you will do it with pleasure.
If necessary, take some supplements that are rich in vitamin D and calcium, especially if you are someone who dislikes with dairy products. Only, it's good we should also consult your doctor about any supplements telebih advance what would be suitable consumed by us who are aged 40s to maintain healthy bones and muscles to get the right supplement.
So, Here's How to Keep Health in the Age of 40 Years:
1. Improve the quality of thinking
Difficult controls memory? do not worry, with a little practice your brain abilities will be back as sharp as when you were 20 years old.
Proper rest. Sleep well and enough time is one of the best ways to restore your memory. What is to be done during sleep? Do not swallow sleeping pills, so advice from Douglass Hermann, Ph.D., a researcher at the National Center for Health Statistics in Washington. "The pills do not provide the same quality of sleep, as a result even your memory will be quickly reduced", he added.
Better, Eat a bowl of cereal mixed with a little warm milk. "Evening snack that contains protein and less sugar will cause drowsiness," said Henry Lahmeyer, M.D, leader of the Sleep Program at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
Diligently train yourself. Want to feel more energetic days? Socialize with your daily life, so Gilbert Brim, Ph.D., chairman of the John D. and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Research Network on succesfull Midlife Development in Vero Beach, Florida. As a result, you will be clear-headed and efficient! Involve yourself in things that are new and exciting. For example, try a new hobby or short courses, such as cooking or baking.
2. Soak the pressures = Mental fit
Every day, your body is busy to fight bacteria and viruses that want to disrupt your health. To keep the immune system in prime you should guard it by eating a healthy diet and exercise regularly. But do not be careless, beware also the destroyer of your mental immune system, namely STRESS! To mute it, you try to follow these tips:
Seek support. Are you looking for a friend when you run into trouble? Seek help and support to a friend it can brighten your outlook back. So, when you are experiencing a lot of pressure, you should "vent" with a friend until you feel better.
Pour your feelings (Uneg) on a piece of paper. Studies say that writing down the various problems on a piece of paper is able to reduce the pressures that you experienced at the time, it can even make you grow optimistic, or it could be a way out, said James Pennebaker, Ph.D., a researcher at Southern Methodist University, Dallas. The tips, find a place to be alone (without being disturbed by others). Sit quietly, then pour your feelings on the book for between 20 to 30 minutes. Explore your deepest feelings. Think about what-what makes you kecewa.Mulailah with questions, how do you feel about this? Why does this make you feel like this?
3. Pay attention to your eating habits
To keep your body healthy, fit, and brighter skin in the age of 40, eat at least 3 to 4 times the vegetables and 2 to 4 times a day fruit!
Reduce Flesh = maximize the health of the body. By limiting the consumption of meat is the greatest insurance against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Add Fiber to the sharpness of the eyes,. It is common knowledge if foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene may help you avoid a variety of health problems due to age. Now, researchers at Harvard Medical School suggest that eating foods high in fiber because it can mempertajan sense of vision.
Protect your bones with fruits and vegetables. Your body produces acid as well as your digestion. As a result, the excess acids that can attack the bone due to lack of calcium salts (which serve to neutralize fatty acids). Excess acid that causes increasing age also weakened condition of the bones. Potential way to overcome this problem is to reduce the consumption of meat, fish, and eggs as the cause produce excess acid in one part of the body. While effective way to neutralize it, eat lots of fruits and vegetables for the body to produce potassium bicarbonate, which plays a major role in bone neutralize excess acid.
4. Diligent exercise
There is no doubt that exercise can reduce the effects of aging. The study also revealed that the discipline of practice, in addition to improving muscle mass and bone strength, is also beneficial to lower high blood pressure and bad cholesterol in the body.
Keep your bones healthy. "Strong bones must be made, not born," said Sidney Lou Bonnick, M.D, bone health researchers from the United States. To keep bones stronger despite eating constantly age, you need regular exercise, either lift weights or low impact gymnastics, aerobics, jogging also can be a good option to keep in shape everyday.
Maximizing muscle strength training. Strength training presents a variety of positive benefits for women entering the postmenopausal age, according to researchers at Tufts University. The researchers compared two groups of women between the ages of 40 to 60 years, in which the first group perform five kinds of simple strength training twice a week, while the other group did not do anything. After one year, women who do this sport in addition to fat is reduced, the amount of muscle and bone mass increases (both at the waist and spine), it also increases the body's balance, says Miriam Nelson, Ph.D., a researcher at Tufts University. Exercise Calisthenics also be the right choice to train your muscle strength.
Blood flow smoothly. At your age when entering the 40's, the walls of your blood vessels will increasingly harden. This can lead to increased blood pressure, so it can reduce your heart to work harder and if left unchecked, could have a heart attack. With regular practice, you can keep the walls of the blood vessels flexible and elastic so that blood flow to be smooth. Studies at the Gerontology Research Center in Baltimore, who has studied 146 healthy women in their 40s, found that they were actively doing jogging or aerobics, the walls of the arteries become more flexible and far away from the disease.
That is 4 ways to maintain health in the 40s. So, 40s is the age-prone or susceptible to health. At this age the body's organ functions begin to decline and diseases from coming. If not well anticipated, then the consequences could be fatal grow. Keep a mental or physical condition and your mind early on. With the above tips are expected to maintain fitness inwardly and outwardly for those of you who have stepped 40s or those who will be 40 years of age. Let's change our mindset to keep maintain the health and lifestyle in order to maintain a more regular.