GHS - Ladies or men, have large pores on the face would be very disturbing appearance. Large pores (large pore) commonly found in oily skin type (oily skin) and combination skin, especially on the T-zone (forehead and nose area).
Skin pores are enlarged and the skin look greasy is a common problem in the productive ages. This relates to the production of androgen hormones that trigger increased production of skin oil glands. This is what ultimately followed by dilation of skin pores.
But do not worry ladies, you can try some of these tips:
Vitamin C
Vitamin C sangat bermanfaat karena dapat meningkatkan produksi kolagen
dan elasin dalam kulit. So, gunakanlah kosmetik yang mengandung vitamin C
atau konsumsilah buah-buahan yang banyak mengandung vitamin C.
Use Cosmetics Containing Collagen
Collagen plays an important role for the skin. Collagen become a major builder component of the dermis, one of the lowest layer of the skin. These proteins are essential for keeping the skin firm and supple. For that, choose cosmetics that contain collagen.
Clean Skin Dead Skin Cells order lifted
Dead skin cells not only make you look dull, dead skin cells will also be a negative influence on the enlargement of the pores of the skin. Dead skin cells that accumulate in the pores, in a certain time would turn into blackheads. To overcome this, wash your face every day with facial cleanser that suits your skin type. Use a facial cleanser containing Alpha Hydroxy, Phytic, and Clycolic Acids. However, do not use excessive, because it will make your skin red and irritated.
Reduce Excess Oil in Face
Excess oil in the skin can enlarge the pores. So, get to know the character of the skin of your face, if greasy use facial cleansers and cosmetics are suitable for oily skin. So as to reduce the oil content in the skin of your face.
Give Steam on Face
This method is quite simple and you can do it at home. You only need hot water, lemon juice, ice cubes, and towels. Fill a large bowl with hot water and put a face on it until the steam on the face. Do it for 3-5 minutes. After that, pour the lemon juice in a towel and apply to the entire face. Rinse with plain water and then rub an ice cube to all parts of the skin.
Khusus pada bagian kulit yang punya pori-pori terbesar, gosokkan es batu
lebih lama. Lakukan ini selama setengah menit atau lebih. Gabungan air
panas, air dingin, dan air lemon akan membantu Anda membersihkan wajah
dan mengecilkan pori-pori dalam waktu singkat.
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