GHS - The occurrence of premature ejaculation can not only affect men. There is also the effect of premature ejaculation in women that need attention in order not to disturb the harmony of the relationship between the two.

What is meant is a discharge of semen ejaculated along with the sperm of the male reproductive organ, which is usually accompanied by orgasm. Meanwhile, premature ejaculation is ejaculation that occurs too quickly from a desired time during intercourse.
Stress can trigger
Trigger of premature ejaculation are often psychological, such as anxiety, guilt, or too much stimulation before intercourse. There are many physical disorders that cause premature ejaculation.
However, how long the actual time of ejaculation is considered normal? Based on a study of 500 couples from several different countries, known to the average time began penetration to ejaculation is about 5 minutes.
Need to know, premature ejaculation affects not only the sufferer, but also reduces the satisfaction of her partner. From a study conducted, it is known that premature ejaculation can affect the harmony, even on some couples it is able to trigger a breakup.
A study of 1,500 women also revealed that women will also experience stress when their partner suffers from premature ejaculation. Finally, premature ejaculation will trigger a reduction in arousal and sexual attention from men against intimate partner.
If ejaculation occurs even before penetration, it may prevent the occurrence of pregnancy.
Tips on Faced with Premature Ejaculation
There are several exercises and relaxation techniques to help overcome premature ejaculation. If necessary, for premature ejaculation can be assisted by means of complementary or drugs.
One way to do that is to divert attention from erotic thoughts, when to initiate intercourse. This will help to reduce arousal rises too fast.
Using breathing techniques.
To help reduce excessive arousal that can trigger premature ejaculation, can utilize deep breathing techniques. Inhale deeply about 5 seconds, then stand for about 3 seconds and exhale slowly. Do this for 5 minutes.
Practicing the method hold ejaculation.
Among the methods of stop and start, by stimulating him sexually until almost touching orgasm then stop for 30 seconds. Repeat a few times, until then actually achieve ejaculation. The other method is the squeeze. Only in this method, after the man nearly ejaculation, then press the base of the penis for a few seconds. Stop stimulation for 30 seconds and repeat, until then reach ejaculation.
Utilizing the Kegel exercises.
Kegel exercises can be done by the man to help in controlling ejaculation. An easy way to start Kegel exercises are trying to hold back urine when urinating. When urine successfully quit, meaning pelvic muscle contraction (muscle pubokoksigis) successfully conducted. Then, the exercise by holding about 10 seconds and release. Do it three times with a 10 second rest period every time you start up. If done regularly, this exercise is expected to help muscle contraction to hold ejaculation.
Using special condoms.
Condoms are equipped with benzocaine at the ends, are known to help prolong the erection and ejaculation control. Benzocaine is a mild anesthetic drug that decreases sexual sensation, yet still be able to enjoy these activities.
Consume drugs.
Some types of antidepressants may be prescribed to help overcome premature ejaculation. For example prozac.
If premature ejaculation dragged and strained relations with your partner, do not hesitate to consult a doctor or psychologist. It is important to avoid the effects of premature ejaculation in women and harmonious relationships.
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