GHS - To plan a pregnancy, you need to understand a woman's menstrual cycle, fertility, and the workings of each reproductive organs.
With unprotected intercourse on a regular basis, four of five healthy women will conceive within a year of pregnancy planning. While the other couples will wait longer.
When will You Can Pregnant?
Opportunities every woman for pregnancy is 15-25 percent each month. One quick way to get pregnant is having sex during the fertile phase, ie when the ovary releases an egg (ovulation). The egg will survive for 12-24 hours after it is released. This process occurs about 14 days after the first day of your menstrual period.
Pregnancy occurs when a sperm fertilizes an egg during ovulation. But even if you and your partner have sex before that time, sperm that has been entered can survive in a woman's body for up to 7 days. After reaching channels that link the ovaries to the uterus or fallopian tubes, sperm can wait until the egg is released. So you need not worry too much though trouble counting the period of ovulation.
In the process of ovulation when the egg is released, at the same time, the uterine lining thickens and thins the mucus in the cervix so sperm can swim in with ease. Besides the egg began to move slowly down the fallopian tube.
This egg will be fertilized by sperm if sex is done. Then will thicken the uterine lining so that a fertilized egg can be planted in it. But if sex does not occur and the egg is not fertilized, the uterine lining will disintegrate and come out with the egg through menstruation.
Determinants of Pregnancy
Here are some factors that determine the chance of pregnancy:
Frequency of sex
Opportunities sperm fertilizes an egg is small, namely only on 4-5 days before ovulation period and the day of ovulation itself. Then you can do is have sex during this period.
But research has found that your body often does not proceed on time like a machine. The days of ovulation can be shifted due to many factors such as stress and excessive exercise. Even if you ate a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation can occur anytime. So if you do not have sex on time, then your chances of conceiving will be reduced.
The best step is recommended to have sex as often as possible, at least 3-4 times a week. Of note, the male partner has enough sperm concentration.
The menstrual cycle
Generally the menstrual cycle occurs in 21 to 35 days. Indeed, many women experience irregular menstrual cycle that is largely due to a serious problem. However, irregular menstrual cycles mean difficult for you to calculate the fertile period on which to base estimates of pregnancy.
Above the age of 35, a woman's chance of conceiving will be depleted with age.
Healthy couples
Chronic diseases that exist on either spouse can affect chances of pregnancy. Maintaining the health of yourself and your partner is the primary step in achieving pregnancy. Eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and stop bad habits like smoking can increase the chances of having children.
Long trial period to get pregnant
The longer the period of waiting and your efforts to get pregnant, the more effort you needed to get pregnant. Talk to your obstetrician if you and your partner have more than two years trying to get a descent.
Predicting Fertile Period
Although difficult to predict exactly, but you can predict ovulation period by doing the following:
Use a calendar system
Mark the dates when you are having your period. Although the condition of each woman is different, but the fertile period usually occurs around the fourteenth day after the first period. Watch for changes in cervical mucus. Vaginal fluids clearer and slippery to be a marker of impending ovulation.
Test equipment fertile period
To predict ovulation, you can use test equipment fertility are sold freely on the market. This tool predicts the fertile period by examination of the urine. Follow the instructions on the label for accurate results.
Examining How to Get Pregnant
Pregnancy is dependent on various factors that are sometimes difficult to predict. But there are ways that you can do to increase the chances of pregnancy.
Regular having sex
Chances of pregnancy will be more open if you and your partner have sex without protection 3-4 times a week and at least once around fertile period. Using vaginal lubricants during sex is precisely the risk of reducing fertility rates. Consider using natural oils such as vegetable oils, corn, avocados, nuts, olives.
Healthy lifestyle
You and your couple are advised to:
- Limiting caffeine consumption.
- Exercising regularly can increase the fertility rate. However, excessive exercise can have the opposite effect.
- Eating foods rich in nutrients.
- Avoid taking drugs are sold freely.
- Wash hands before eating.
- Manage stress.
Consumption of folic acid
Folic acid is important for fetal development. You are advised to take folic acid tablets during pregnancy planning and continuing for at least the first three months of pregnancy. Besides in supplement form, folic acid naturally contained in many vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, spinach, potatoes, and cereals. Enough folic acid is necessary for the health of the fetus. The women are advised to take 400 micrograms of folic acid per day.
Stop the specific habitsThings or following habits can reduce your chances of getting pregnant:
- Smoking, because it can harm your egg and womb.
- Consuming liquor is also risk of lowering fertility rates and also harm the baby.
- Avoid too much vitamin A such as animal liver.
- Avoid consumption of meat and soft-boiled eggs and raw fish because of the risk of bacteria, viruses or parasites. Also avoid the types of fish that could potentially contain mercury and unpasteurised milk.
Health checks and immunization
Check with your health and take blood tests to determine the possibility of a disease that reduces the success of pregnant or harmful to the fetus such as hepatitis B, HIV, syphilis. Also make sure you have been immunized against rubella or German measles to avoid the risk of infection.
Make sure the environment you live and work free from factors that can put you at risk a difficult pregnancy like many chemicals, fumes, radiation, feathers, and animal dung.
Recognize Reproductive Organs
Understanding the functions and workings of each reproductive organs can make you and couples are planning a pregnancy easier.
Male reproductive organs
Penis will tighten and harden when the network is filled with blood in it. While a pair of testes pockets located on either side of the penis and is protected by a layer of skin called the scrotum. The testes are the organs where sperm are made and manufactured. Scrotum sperm to keep the temperature remains stable despite the body temperature up and down.
Sperm is then routed past the prostate and other glands through a pair of tubes called the vas deferens. After the sperm out through a channel called the urethra during ejaculation. The urethra itself is a channel extending from the bladder to the penis through the prostate gland.
Female reproductive organs
Female reproductive organs consist of several internal and external organs. Internal organs consist of:
- Vagina: elastic channel along approximately 8 cm can be stretched when the baby is out, or when the penis is inserted. This channel connects the cervix to the vulva, the outer portion of the organ.
- Pelvis
- Womb / uterus: a baby grows.
- Ovaries: where the egg is produced.
- Cervix: Cervical which will open when the baby out of the uterus into the vagina.
- Fallopian tube: a channel between the ovaries to the uterus where the fertilization of the egg.
Determinants of Sex Chromosomes
Chromosomes are the structures that carry genes 2000 determinants of human characteristics such as blood type, height, eye and hair color, including gender. A baby's sex is determined by the man's sperm and the woman's eggs each contain 23 chromosomes. All 23 chromosomes are united into a total of 46 chromosomes when the sperm fertilizes an egg.
The chromosomes of the egg is always an X chromosome, while the chromosomes of the sperm can be either chromosome X and Y. Your baby will be female sex if the egg is fertilized by a sperm containing an X chromosome and will be male if it contains chromosome Y.
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