GHS - Sweating occurs when a person doing a lot of physical activity or exposed to hot air. However, unlike the case with if that comes up is a cold sweat, because it could indicate a problem in the body.
Panic, tension and stress are some of the psychological factors that can trigger a cold sweat. Yet further, it turns cold sweat also can indicate health problems that are likely to trigger dangerous enough condition so sufferers should get immediate help.
Symptoms accompanying
Especially cold sweat appeared on the feet, hands, lower arms, and underarms. Does not stand alone, usually in a cold sweat is also accompanied by the emergence of other symptoms, depending on the medical condition of each person. Symptoms are generally perceived among others, the skin becomes pale, shivering and pain, dizziness, tension or stress, weakness, and stomach nausea, and even vomiting. Different from the usual sweaty, when someone in a cold sweat, his skin felt cold.
There are some conditions that usually can cause cold sweats, namely:
- Is suffering from severe pain, for example due to a broken bone, or migraine.
- Is experiencing an infection, such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and kidney infections.
- The early symptoms of cancer. One of them is a lymphoma cancer with symptoms of cold sweat that occurs at night and weight loss without any reason and a fever.
- Life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis with.
- Shock due to severe injury or acute illness.
- Production of excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis.
- Menopause in women aged 40 years and over.
- Consumption of drugs, such as antibiotics or high blood pressure medications.
In addition, cold sweat can also be caused by lack of blood or oxygen supply in the body, for example as a result of:
- Low blood pressure (hypotension).
Relieves Cold Sweat
A cold sweat causes should be investigated. If triggered by stress or tension, it can be addressed in ways that can be done at home. However, if the necessary treatment, always consult with your doctor first. Some ways you can do, among other things:
- Fix diet. Strive not eat too close to bedtime, and limit your intake of foods high in sugar before bed. If your sugar level is low, do not skip meals or divide into several servings a day.
- Minimization of discomfort in the room. Choose
a dark colored curtains on the windows and get rid of objects that emit
light, such as computers, lights or TV to avoid light pollution. At bedtime, use loose, comfortable clothing, other than that set the room temperature to the temperature cool.
- Make yourself more active. If breathing or doing sports activities that are beneficial, such as yoga or jogging can help you to be more relaxed. If necessary, which can be distracting activities, such as reading or playing puzzle to tease worries or negative thoughts.
- The consumption of drugs. Always consult with your doctor about therapy and medication is right to address complaints that you feel a cold sweat.
In certain cases, sweating could be an indication of illness and even life-threatening emergencies. See a doctor immediately if the cold sweat that appears accompanied by high fever, seizures, skin, lips and nails are pale or blue, and vomiting or bloody bowel movements. Besides alert also if irregular heart beat, choked throat, and difficulty breathing. Pain in the chest, upper back, jaw, shoulder, or arm is also a sign to watch.
Look further when you or those around you sweat heavily, especially if accompanied by other symptoms. A cold sweat appear due to the emergency conditions that can be life-threatening, it is important to be addressed in a health facility to receive further treatment from a doctor.
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