GHS - When faced with a troublesome job, not a few people who try to relieve fatigue by resting in the middle of the afternoon. Apparently it is very promising and enjoyable for most people. But in a presentation at the annual conference of the American College of Cardiology, revealed that the actual nap longer than 40 minutes can increase the risk of premature death.
The results were pretty awful from 21 research studies with respondents who collected more than 300 thousand people. The results of the study reveal that napping can bring benefits only if done in less than 40 minutes.
The researchers asked respondents nap routine and then the test results will be compared with their medical history such as obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.
The results showed that up to 90 minute nap can improve metabolic syndrome or disorder of metabolism of the body. The metabolic syndrome eg type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome because naps to 90 minutes can lead to type 2 diabetes by 50 percent. It's just like doing a very tiring during the day. Interestingly, there was a slight decrease in the risk of metabolic syndrome when the bed is less than 30 minutes.
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This study explains that when a person naps longer than 40 minutes, the body will enter the sleep phase. And when the time woke up, the body will experience shock metabolic cycle.
However, in the activities of a shorter nap, the body does not enter the phase of deep sleep so did not experience any inaccuracies metabolic cycle when waking up.
"Napping is an action that is prevalent throughout the world. Affirming the links between sleep and metabolic diseases can create a new strategy in a treatment, especially for diseases associated with metabolism continues to increase worldwide," said Tomohide Tamada, diabetes expert from the University of Tokyo who once led the study, as quoted from the Independent.
"Sleep is an important component in a healthy lifestyle, like diet and exercise. A short nap can be good for health, but we do not know the strength of the impact or mechanism of action." he said.
A previous study conducted in June 2015 also revealed a similar things, that a nap more than one hour can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by 82 percent, and increased the risk of death by 27 percent.
In addition to cardiovascular, longer naps can also increase the risk of diabetes by 56 percent when the horse was tired and took a nap for more than one hour.
However, this study also menyantumkan that a short nap can reduce the risk of disease. The National Sleep Foundation recommends a nap for 20 to 30 minutes because it is able to increase alertness without causing nervousness or confusion on someone.
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