GHS - After doing outdoor activities that can the the make the body into a sweat, of course, need things to the Make the body relaxed again. One powerful way to relax your body is with a shower. When the body temperature rises, was indeed the right choice in order to lower the body temperature and keep you refreshed. But, you should not Immediately take a shower when the body sweats, why is that?
When sweating, the pores of the skin is stretched. Pore dilation is actually dangerous Also Because It makes the embryo of inflammation of the skin, such as acne. In addition, when skin pores are dilated, body temperature will rise. This will the the Make the body temperature automatically drops dramatically when you took a shower. The body responds to Immediately raise the body temperature. So there was a so-called high fever. Duration of fever that occur can be long, it could be a while.
Bath when the body is sweating, Also it will create heat in the body do not come out, and disturb the sweat glands work. This condition will trigger a narrowing of blood vessels. This is precisely what Often Occurs in people who frequent a hot bath.
Rumors are circulating Also said that, when the sweat bath can cause tinea versicolor. But is it so? The answer is no. Because You Arise Panu not shower when the body sweats. But, phlegm Arise when you let your clothes wet from sweat, and allow it to dry back in the body.
Bath after the move is highly recommended, Because The shower will Rejuvenate your body and make you avoid germs Carried from the outside. But you should look is the time. Try to wait for your body temperature drops, and the sweat is no longer out of the pores of your body. Rest a few minutes before You decide to take a shower after a long day.
Tips Bath After Sweating
The bath can indeed refresh your body and make all the germs or other disease of the body's source is lost. Besides the body will become more fit. Here are some tips to take a shower after sweating.
- When your body is still sweating then wait for the right time to take a shower. Let all the sweat out of the body until your body temperature down or return to normal.
- Allow time for your body and your muscles are completely relaxed before you shower after exercising. If you live a good shower with cold water or warm water it can cause injury or risk of injury is higher.
- Choose water with the most comfortable temperature for your body, if you have the habit of bathing with hot water then reduce this habit because hot water can cause health problems blood vessels.
- Make bath in the right way is to use soap, rubbing the folds in the body like the armpits, between the fingers, hands and feet and other parts. Use a scrub to remove all impurities from the body.
Bath when sweating is often considered to be refreshing. But if done the wrong way completely when the body sweats. So the best time to take a shower after sweating is waiting to be cold sweat and you feel comfortable body temperature when exposed to warm water or cold water for a shower.
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