GHS - The more the presence of disease in the community is increasing, there are deliberately shown to the public in order to get more attention of the beholder, those who concealed his presence but intends to continue to exist in the public eye.
Know That LGBT can be Cured, Provided that? |
The rise of LGBT in Indonesia possible free lifestyle that adopts of LGBT life in the US state, which has acknowledged its existence. But the presence in Indonesia is still under pressure the pros and cons in the community.
Whatever the reasons developed in the community has become a phenomenon that needs to be watched. On the other hand there are also probably already undergone LGBT life but there keiginan to get back into normal life.
Hypnotherapy is a method of healing by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, it is very effective to overcome the kind of health problems, mental health and physical health. In this method of treatment only as a companion / complementary.
"Surely prospective patients what we call the client must coordinate with us, clients should be aware that LGBT's disease and we are programmed into his mind as well as the treatment of their own accord and not coercion of others and desire to heal, it is the key to success in the process of hypnotherapy," said Sunardi Basuki Widodo, SE, MM, one of the pilot house management trainer and conference speaker.
CEO Home waveguide management (Rp.m), Ns. Dian Tri Raharjo argues, "a great willingness from clients to recover and personal desire and determination to not be going back to the original life, we guarantee LGBT clients will recover, including clients who want to quit smoking. In the process of hypnotherapy only use word suggestion without occult elements, "said pengagas seminar hypnotherapy.
"But in the case of LGBT is not easily cured, because when one of the clients treated and cured but only couple not intend to cure, this process will not be effective result. So it takes both partners to be aware and seek treatment for his recovery and steer clear of LGBT life forever, "the light Ns. Imelda, M.Kep, Sp.Kep.An which also speaker and has experience of lesbian client visit.
LGBT is a Mental Disease That Can contagious, so says Psychiatrist not my essay. So, Be careful in life and looks for friend.
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