GHS - The body is ideal in the sense of having an appropriate height to weight is desirable for everyone. Ideal body can give the impression of an attractive and make the owner feel more healthy body because it does not have problems with weight. Thus, high self-confidence will be easily obtained.
However, problems with weight not only of obesity, but also for those who have a thin body. People who have a thin body would be very difficult to find the ideal body shape, because his performance would look too tall and emaciated.
In increasing body weight or body fat, frequent errors. Because basically the ideal weight will be achieved by adding muscle mass, not by adding fat. The basic thing like this is often not considered for those trying to gain weight.
For those of you who have a problem with a thin body and have tried various ways but have not found the maximum results, you should look for the cause first. This can be caused by many factors, ranging from the body's metabolic factors, genetic factors, or never detox.
For the problem of the body's metabolism, lean body caused by the metabolic processes that occur too quickly. So regardless of the amount of food that enters the body can not be stored and instantly burned by the body. It should consult with a physician in order to find the cause.
As for the genetic or hereditary factors, you can see the brother or your parents, whether they have the same condition with your body. If yes, the problem you are experiencing is due to hereditary factors. But this does not mean you can not have a body that is more contained.
Never detox or toxins that are not needed by the body could also be other factors that cause the body difficult to fat.
But despite it all, the main problem of weight is more difficult to ride due to the amount of dirt in the intestine. This will be exacerbated if used to consume fast food or instant food.
The following are ways that you fat as reported of as follows:
Set Jam Spot
Not to be fed directly to the portion of a lot in one meal. Try starting with eat in small portions, but often. Eating five to six times a day, set the time to no more four hours each jedanya. This serves to maintain the muscle mass of the body.
Variation Food
Set menu is very important to make the weight you cepet increases. One way is to provide enough variety in your diet. Three variations of the food will make the nutrients you need adequately met.
Choose healthy snacks that you nutrients are met. Eating before bed is also recommended, as long as you choose a healthy menu of all it would not hurt you to do. Proper nutrition will help your body to tissue regenerates.
Enough practice you'll gain weight quickly. Before starting the exercise, determine your ability. Do not force training load that will only damage your health. Besides regular exercise will also increase appetite. After exercising select menu rich in protein.
Healthy drink
Healthy beverage will help you to meet your nutrition. Juices and smoothies are the right choice to meet the needs of your healthy drink. Drink 30 minutes before meals to prevent you too full when you eat a big future.
How? Pretty easy right. Keeping your diet is not only important for you who want to lose weight it is also important that you do for you who want to gain weight. Good luck.
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