GHS - Vaccination is the process of injecting disease-causing microorganisms that have been weakened or killed in your body or injecting laboratory-made protein that is similar to the invader. It aims to boost the immune system.
What is your opinion about the world health experts vaccination /immunization? The following we will convey the vaccine according to the experts, please scrutiny may be useful:
Following the opinion of the scientists or medical experts on vaccination:
- "The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used. "(Dr. James R. Shannon, former director of the US National Institutes of Health)
- "Vaccines fool the body that no longer cause an inflammatory reaction. So the vaccine change the preventive functions of the immune system. "(Dr. Richard Moskowitz, Harvard University)
- "Cancer is essentially unknown prior obligations smallpox vaccination was introduced. I have faced the 200 cases of cancer, and none of them affected by cancer do not get vaccinated before. "(Dr. W.B. Clarke, a cancer researcher England)
- "When the vaccine is declared safe, security is a relative term that can not be defined in general." (Dr. Harris Coulter, international vaccine experts)
- "Polio cases increased rapidly since the vaccine is executed. In the year 1957-1958 increased by 50%, and a year from 1958 to 1959 increased to 80%. "(Dr. Bernard Greenberg, in a US congressional hearing in 1962)
- "Before the massive vaccination 50 years ago, in the country (United States) there is no outbreak of cancer, autoimmune diseases, and cases of autism." (Neil Z. Miller, international vaccine research)
- "Vaccines are responsible for an increasing number of children and adults with immune system disorders and conditions, hyperactivity, memory weakness, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, reumatiod arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and even epilepsy. Even AIDS who have never known two decades ago, became a plague throughout the world today. "~ Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the National Vaccine Information Center USA
- "It makes sense to think that you can inject pus into the body of a small child and the specific process will improve health. The body has its own defense way that depends on the vitality of the time. If in good shape, the body will be able to fight all infections, and if the condition is declining, will not be able to. And you can not change for the better in shape by entering any poison in it. "(Dr. William Hay, in the book" Immunisation: The Reality behind the Myth ")
- And it turns out the fact that in Germany the medical practitioners, from doctors to nurses, rejecting their measles immunization. The rejection was published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association" (February 20, 1981) which contains an article titled "Rubella Vaccine in Suspectible Hospital Employees, Poor Physician Participation". In the article it is mentioned that the number of participants in the lowest measles immunization occurred among medical practitioners in Germany. This occurred in obstetric experts, and others occur at the lowest levels pediatric experts. Approximately 90% of obstetric experts and 66% of pediatric interspace refused rubella vaccine injections.
So, What is your view now associated with vaccination / immunization?
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