GHS - A baby's sex is determined by the type of chromosome of male sperm fertilize the egg.
Almost every couple has the same opportunities, which is 50 percent chance of having a boy and also 50 percent chance of getting girls.
Know Determinants Sex Chromosomes
A baby's sex is determined by the type of chromosomes from the sperm of men who met chromosomes from the female's egg. In addition to gender, chromosomes also determine human physical characteristics such as eye color, hair, up to height.
The combination of chromosomes X and Y chromosomes form the male gender, while the combination of the two X chromosomes form the female gender. Each sperm cell will contain between one X chromosome or a Y chromosome While each woman's egg contains one X chromosome At conception, sperm-sperm containing an X chromosome and the Y immediately move toward the egg. But there is only one sperm with one of the chromosomes that would unite with the egg and into the fetus.
The baby male or female is determined by Which sperm (X or Y) is first to reach the egg. If the sperm with the Y chromosome successfully advance to reach the egg, the fetus will be XY chromosome, so that you will conceive a baby boy. But if the sperm with the X chromosome first meets the egg, the fetus will chromosome XX and became a baby girl.
Determinants of Gender Myths About Baby
Many suggestions to do certain things if you want to have a boy or a girl. Though these suggestions are not necessarily medically proven. Here are some of them.
More eating certain foods.
Women who consume foods high in calcium, magnesium, potassium or certain vitamins are considered more likely to have daughters. There is also the assumption that women who ate salty foods and meat are more likely to contain a baby boy. However, these assumptions have not been scientifically proven.
Though to stay healthy and well so that fertilization occurs, the woman should eat a variety of foods. Limiting consumption of certain foods and eating more of other foods to make you at risk for deficiency of nutrients the body needs.
Having sexual intercourse with position and time.
Have sex with men over the position, is considered will make you more likely to have daughters. While sexual intercourse with a standing position will better enable you to have a baby boy.
There also are advised to have sexual intercourse when closest to the fertile period or ovulation if you want to have a baby boy. At this time, the fluid in the vagina and cervix are at alkaline or alkaline conditions, so that the Y chromosome sperm are more likely to survive. If you want a girl, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse more than ovulation.
In fact, scientifically, certain sexual positions do not affect the sex of the baby to be conceived. So also with the timing around the fertile period or ovulation to have sex. Precisely if one calculates the fertile period will create opportunities couple to have a baby becomes smaller.
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