GHS - One of the health problems that often plagued modern men and women are increasingly sagging belly. In addition it can cause a decrease in self-confidence, sagging stomach could also be a sign of excessive fat in the body. The fat content could potentially lead to many dangerous diseases like heart disease. Kaerna these reasons, there are many people who want to tighten the belly sagged.
Flabby stomach will certainly have a close connection with the diet. The cause of stomach sagged itself is more often caused by an unhealthy diet and is rich in fat and sugar. Instead, to reduce flabby stomach we certainly have to adjust our diet to be healthier. In addition to begin to limit your intake of complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates, we also need to reduce foods rich in fat and began to increase the intake of fiber from vegetables and fruits.
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Flabby belly can be tightened by means of exercise. However, we must be very clever to choose a sport that can tighten the stomach for many types of healthy sport, but do not tighten the belly sagged. Pick a cardio exercise like that can effectively reduce the levels of excess fat in the abdomen. In addition, some other types of physical exercises like squats or dead lifts can we do to tighten flabby stomach. Dead lift itself can be done by lifting weights with the legs and hips that can make your abdominal muscles work and reduce the fat content.
Some of the other sports that can be done with simple like sit ups after waking up can also be considered given the sit-ups can effectively reduce abdominal fat if done routinely every day. With the diminishing fat, then wattle abdominal fat will be reduced so that the physical appearance will be much better and the risk of dangerous diseases can be reduced.
To maximize the tips above, then you Need to avoid the habit of following habits:
1. Skipping Eating Times
Because you want to trim, many people spend their time eating. As a result, it will have the opposite effect. You will really feel hungry which causes a meal with more servings. How to eat like this of course makes the body store more fat.
To prevent this, try to adhere to a healthy diet meal hours as usual. At least every three or four hours, you are eating small portions.
2. Excessive Alcohol Drinking
If you like to drink alcoholic beverages, will cause fat deposits in the body including the abdomen. Keep in mind, alcohol contains lots of calories and tend to make you easy to feel hungry.
3. Too Many Sit Up
Sit up is good for health and help streamline the stomach. But if done too often with long duration it will have the opposite effect. Experts say, do sit ups as much as 50 or 100 times will not make you loose jeans.
So, do this exercise moderation and balanced with jogging or brisk walking. You can also do the treadmill for half an hour every day to keep the fat in the abdomen.
4. Consuming Diet Products
You must remember, consuming diet products such as yogurt, low sugar and low diet soda does not help in the long run. In contrast, the artificial sweeteners actually trigger your metabolism to increase fat storage in the body. Thus, the ideal way to streamline the body is a healthy diet with balanced nutrition, regular physical exercise and avoiding bad habits such as smoking and alcoholic beverages.
5. Avoid fatty foods
Not all fat is not healthy for the body. Monounsaturated fats are actually good for the body. Nutritionists argue, if you consume a quarter of avocados in sandwiches or salads, it will help to eliminate fat around the abdomen.
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