GHS - Yoga has recently become one of the sports that is quite attractive. If previous yoga more commonly known as the sport of meditation, now, yoga is believed to burn more calories than some other sports.
Yoga is actually a sports body and mind. Where the benefits of yoga not only helps the body become more fresh and fit. However, yoga can also help you in controlling stress and relieves easily agitated.
Yoga has a variety of types and movement. For those of you new to try yoga, you may be a little confused determine what type of yoga is right for you. All types of yoga can essentially help you become more relaxed, relieve body tension and calm the mind. In order to get the desired results, you must select the type of yoga that fits with the goal of yoga as well as your personality. Perhaps you could make hatha yoga for starters, because this type of yoga is a type of yoga that has a light movement.
Before you decide to do yoga, certainly does not hurt to find out more about what the benefits of yoga.
1. Reduce Stress
Basically, almost all types of exercise can help someone who is in a state of depression, as well as yoga. Most studies show that doing yoga can reduce anxiety, stress, and improve mood and physical and psychological well-being of a person. In fact, the benefits of yoga can also be felt in someone who had schizophrenia and sleep disorders.
2. Improve Fitness
Not only can reduce stress, other benefits of yoga for your body is able to make the body become more fit, improve balance, and increase body strength, range of motion, and flexibility.
3. Help solve health issues
If you have the risk of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or heart disease, yoga can be a sport that is suitable. Because yoga can help your body to reduce the risk. Yoga can also relieve symptoms of pain, anxiety disorders, insomnia, and depression.
4. Back pain
For those of you who experience back pain, yoga can also be an option exercise. In fact, if you are experiencing chronic back pain though. One of the reasons for the existing body stretching exercises in yoga can help you flex the body.
5. Relieve effect after hangover
Probably not thought of before by you to do yoga, after a night drinking to get drunk. But make no mistake, apparently doing yoga can help in alleviating the effects of pengar (hangover) the next morning because yoga is believed to detoxify (neutralize) the system of our body. Some yoga movements, such as the 'plow', or 'shoulder stand' can enhance the metabolic system and train the thyroid gland. Moreover, by doing yoga, the blood flowing to the brain become more, thus increasing the body's balance might even repel the cellulite!
6. Reduce asthma problems
Asthma relapse can be very annoying and quite excruciating. To fix this, try to do yoga regularly. A study conducted in adult patients with mild to moderate asthma showed some yoga movements associated with breathing such as Pranayama can help relieve the symptoms of asthma.
In addition to some of the benefits of yoga at the top, the main benefit is certainly looking for a lot of people is the burning of fat in the body.
Do yoga regularly, and do not waste the benefits of yoga that you can get. Yoga not only be useful for peace of mind, but also can help you improve your health and fitness of your body.
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