GHS - Psychopaths are very good at pretending and their actions can harm others. Knowing the symptoms and psychopathic traits can make you more alert.
Simply put, psychopaths often defined as a personality disorder characterized by several traits. Among other antisocial behavior, do not have empathy, and dare to uncontrollable actions.
Other psychopathic traits is the lack of remorse if you make a mistake, including criminal offenses. Along with the times, the definition of a psychopath increasingly extensive and sometimes conflicting with each other.
Distinguishing psychopaths from normal human being is an element of conscience. Psychopaths are known as people who have no conscience so that the action taken is usually harmful to others.
The medical world itself would not officially diagnose someone as a psychopath. Among doctors would call a psychopath as antisocial personality disorder.
Symptoms That May Appear
Some of the symptoms and signs that may be owned by a psychopath include the waiver concept of right or wrong. Their actions tend to be hostile, irritable, easily attack others, are not easy to follow the rules or frequent protests, even violence. Less empathy and lack of remorse for their actions that harm others, so they often fail to learn from experience.
Psychopaths also have the ability to exploit others by fraud or deceit consistent. In manipulating others, psychopaths usually wears a charm or intelligence. Psychopaths are also very vulnerable caught in legal problems because of the action manipulations.
Other symptoms that may be owned by a psychopath is a selfish attitude is high. They repeatedly violate the rights of others, intimidating, dishonest, and often misrepresented the events surrounding. Psychopaths also act spontaneously without thought of the injured party and have a sense of superiority felt most superior alias and show off the superiority excessively.
If they have children, typically will occur neglect or violence against children. But, apparently committed atrocities precisely the nature of love is not experienced by many people with antisocial personality disorder. In fact, the psychopath is more famous for its deceitful and selfish to get his wish.
Symptoms of antisocial personality disorder can arise from children. Generally, symptoms will be more clearly between the ages of 20 to 30 years. In children, symptoms can include violent behavior toward animals, angry outbursts, did not want to hang out, and likes to intimidate or do a 'bullying' to his friends. In certain cases, poor school performance could be early signs of a psychopath.
What are the causes
The exact cause of psychopaths could not be identified with certainty. These disorders are predicted to arise due to a combination of genetic and traumatic childhood. It was concluded that because psychopaths usually grown from a family background that is not harmonious.
The disharmony can be in the form of their abuse and neglect of children, parents addicted to alcohol, and fights the parents. Psychopaths itself is more frequent in men than women.
How to Determine the person is a psychopath?
Required a series of checks to determine whether someone is really suffering from this disorder antisocial behavior. Following the examination stage that may be conducted by physicians:
- Physical examination done to help eliminate other possible problems could be the cause of symptoms. Moreover, this examination is needed to rule out any complications that may be associated.
- Laboratory tests will be done to check the blood and the thyroid gland. Laboratory tests are also needed to determine whether a person consuming alcohol or certain medicines. This needs to be done to determine whether there are other things that may cause symptoms related to the disorder.
- The doctor will also perform a psychological evaluation to check carefully the thoughts, feelings, behavior, and family history. Psychological evaluation may also include psychological tests on a person's personality and how the person's mind about committing suicide, hurt themselves or others.
Examination of the above must be done because in everyday life, psychopaths could appear normal and do not stand out. They could have the profession should remain a normal human being. When they revealed crime or caught the authorities, then found out that the person is a psychopath.
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