Facial acne treatments can take several months until the scar really lost. In jerawatmu severe conditions, the handling is required as early as possible so as not to form scar tissue. If not done, acne can stand perched face up to 4-5 years, even longer than that in the majority of cases.
Step treatment of acne can also help overcome the emotional and psychological effects. Research shows that people with acne are more likely to experience depression.
Acne commonly experienced by a person aged between 12-25 years. Not only in the face, acne can also occur in the chest, back, or neck. In general, in addressing a small pimple, you can perform self-care steps, but in the case of relatively severe acne that required treatment by a dermatologist.
Here are some steps facial acne treatments that you can do.
Wash your face twice a day
No need to overdo it, wash your face twice a day using warm water and a mild soap is enough. Never more than that. Moreover, no need to rub your skin, simply wash it carefully using a mild soap or a mild soap.
Apply a healthy diet that includes whole grains (such as whole wheat, oats, quinoa, brown rice), legumes, and vegetables and limiting dairy foods. The researchers report that eating favorite dairy products and foods with a high glycemic index may increase the risk of acne.
Do not Touch Your Face
Hold yourself to touch your face with your hands before washing hands or paste mobile phone dirty surfaces.
Do not Squeeze or Solve Acne
There is a risk of further infection that causes blockage is more serious and severe swelling and redness when you squeeze jerawatmu. Solve Acne can also increase the risk of scarring.
Shave With Good
If you are male, be careful when shaving the hair on the face area. Before shaving, soften the skin first with warm soapy water before applying shaving cream. You can also shave directly after a warm shower because the skin that are in softer conditions.
Sheltered From Sunlight
Excessive exposure to sunlight sometimes causes excess production of sebum or oil. In addition, note also that the drug face reacts sensitive to sunlight for a few drug treatment of facial acne can make your skin more susceptible to sunburn. Therefore, if you're using medicated creams on your face, it is better to take refuge from the sun.
Keep Yourself Cleanliness
Make sure your hands are clean and fingernails cut short. In addition, if you are the glasses, wipe glasses regularly because the glasses could be the accumulation of sebum and skin residue. Hair should also be clean and try to not hit you in the face. Do not forget, clean up first face of makeup before going to bed. To use your own makeup is recommended to choose products labeled noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic.
Wear Loose Clothing
When jerawatmu found on parts of the body covered by clothing, such as back, shoulder or chest, try to wear loose clothing so that your skin can breathe.
Consult your doctor if the acne spreads on a wider area and with free drug or not subsided. Maybe you need to be given the same medicine topical retinoids, topical antibiotics, azelaic acid, antibiotic tablets, or tablets isotretinoin.
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