Has a natural rosy lips become one of the dream of most women. Perform the steps below to redden the lips naturally.
The skin of the lips is unique because it does not include the oil and sweat glands to keep moisture. Lips are also thinner than other skin thus allowing the blood vessels in this section visible. The presence of visible blood vessels that make the lips has a beautiful red color.
If not treated properly, the lips can become dry, rough, cracked up. It can make the lips look dull.
Steps To Redden Lips Naturally
Redden the lips naturally can be done by watching some of the following:
Rubbing lip
Discard skin peeling lips can be done to get the natural red lips. Apply a drop of sugar or honey on the lips, then rub gently. When finished scrubbing, wipe it dry. After that, oleskanlah lip balm on the lips.
Disposing of dead cells exfoliate the skin form would make the epidermal cells helps stimulate the growth of new collagen. The growth of new collagen helpful in slowing the aging process.
Do not smoke
Women who want a natural rosy lips should avoid smoking. A lot of research that says that smoking is bad for the health of the skin, including lips.
The skin of smokers would be more wrinkles than those who do not smoke. With smoking, it would be easily lost collagen and skin cells more easily damaged. Discoloration of the lips can also occur in smokers or users of other tobacco products.
Diligent drinking water
One of the key so lips stay healthy is to meet the body's need for water. To keep the body hydrated, always bring water with you wherever you go. The body needs 2 to 3 liters per day to keep your body well hydrated.
Reduce also other beverages such as coffee or alcohol. Even if you eat, make sure the water consumption to keep the body hydrated. Consumption alhokol not followed by enough water can make dry lips when you wake up. Also avoid foods with too much salt because it can make the lips become dry.
Protect from sun exposure
Discoloration of the lips can also be caused by too much exposure to sunlight. The appearance of spots on the lips is one of the effects that can be caused by too much exposure to sunlight.
To avoid this, use a protective lip balm or lip. In order to obtain maximum protection, use a lip balm that serves as a sunscreen with at least SPF 15.
Do not get chapped lips
Chapped lips apart painful also makes lips look dull. This condition is often triggered lips dry and scaly. Doing things above must be done to prevent and treat this condition. If necessary, use other materials such as coconut oil and almond oil so that the lips moist throughout the day.
Redden with the following natural milker
Red fruits can be selected so that the natural red lips, such as cherries, strawberries, raspberries, Cranberries, pomegranate seeds, and bulbs red (beetroot).
Peel the fruit that produces a red color then dab on the lips. Repeat several times until you get the desired color. Once the desired color is obtained, the smear lid with a lip balm.
Another possible way is to first menjus fruit. Then dip a cotton swab into the juice and apply on lips to get the preferred color. Finally, close the layer with a lip balm for the color durable.
Redden the lips naturally in the above manner can be an alternative, especially to avoid cosmetic ingredients that can cause allergies on the lips.
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