GHS - One part of the vital organs are rarely considered pubic hair. Many people who would membiarakan pubic hair long and in the end will make the pubic area becomes more dense and moist. In fact, humidity is one of the things that are favored germs and disease.
For women themselves, shaving the pubic hair should be done regularly because health is closely related to the vital organs. If germs or bacteria thrives on the pubic hair area, then any vital organ at risk of infection. However, shaving the pubic hair nor origin shall be granted. Many people are even shave pubic hair until it is completely exhausted because they feel uncomfortable with this feather, though, this is not necessarily good for the health of vital organs due to shave hairs can cause irritation.
It's good we shaving the pubic hair in order to be more tidy and reduce the moisture in areas vital organs so that germs and bacteria were not growing rapidly. Pubic hair is much neater will make the area vital organs, particularly in wainta would be more hygienic. In addition to preventing some diseases and fungal infections, health experts also mentioned if the pubic hair neatly will also make genitals becomes easy smells.
Pubic hair neater will also be much better for those who already have a life partner considering their vital organs will become much more sensitive during intercourse. Some couples who had oral sex will also have intercourse with a much more comfortable if the pubic hair neater. Moreover, many wives are becoming more confident to wear sexy lingerie in front of her husband.
With the variety of this kindness, so it's good we are diligent, shaving the pubic hair to make it more presentable. Only, Shave with a razor that is safe and is accompanied by a special cream that helps skin irritation pubic.
Tips Before Shaving Pubic correctly?
1. Use a razor sharp
If you want to shave her pubic female of course you must wear a pubic hair shaver. Make sure the razor will you use a new and sharp, dressing once a month if you want to shave your pubic hair back. Why is that? Shaver blunt or too often used shaving can cause skin irritations, can not clean shave and more potentially bad bacteria spread to an area of your femininity. It would be better if you use a double blade razor with a flexible head for the part of Miss V uneven, so that more clean and minimize skin to avoid being hurt or infection.
2. Shampooing your first pubic hair
If you think shampooing the hair is only performed on the head alone, it is completely wrong. Pubic hair is also in need of shampooing, as well as head of hair needs nutrients. Miss V hair also needs to be washed with conditioner, especially when you want to shave. Shampoo and conditioner to make hair smooth and more easily arranged so you can shave your pubic hair until clean.
3. Do not shaving carelessly
Remember! Do not shave your pubic hair at will. You should know that "the time when the right moment will shave pubic hair". You can perform the ritual bath beforehand or a warm bath for skin and hair softer and easier to shave. Warm water opens the pores thereby making it easier shaved hair up to the base.
4. Use shaving cream hair
Typically, the shaving cream is used for men's hair cut sideburns or beard. However, you can also use a hair shaving cream so that the results of your pubic hair shaving more clean and durable. You also can buy a bottle of shaving cream. After a warm bath, rub into all parts of the pubic and shaving as usual.
5. Cut the pubic hair with one direction
If your pubic hair is too long, used scissors to shorten your pubic hair, then freshly shaven. Shaved must be the one direction so that the growth will also be neat. For cleaner results, shaving with a direction opposite to the direction of hair growth. If sensitive skin, shaving in the direction of hair growth alone.
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