Do not be mistaken, the food and the level of fertility turns interrelated. From now on, try applying a balanced diet in order to increase your chance to have a healthy baby.
Not just you, your couple also need to adopt a balanced diet. The eating patterns include the regularly eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains and calcium-rich foods, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt each day.
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When your body to lack of nutrition, menstrual cycle can become irregular and eventually it is difficult to estimate when you were in the fertile period or ovulation. Even worse, you did not ovulate, especially if your weight is under normal or even obese. Ovulation itself is when the ovaries release an egg that is ready to be fertilized by sperm.
Do Eating Healthy and Balanced
Let's look at how a good diet and any type of food here.
- Consumption of one serving of starchy foods with every meal. Starchy foods include rice, cereal, bread, or pasta. Even so, as far as possible choose whole grains because they contain more fiber.
- Eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. One portion of which can be measured against the equivalent of two hump broccoli and a glass of orange juice.
- Do not forget the intake of protein, such as beans, lean meat, fish meat, poultry, and egg.
- Consumption of three servings of low-fat milk as you need calcium contained therein.
- Eating fish about two servings per week, one portion can be likened to a fish that is rich in fish oil. Fish is a source of nutrition for mothers and fetuses because they contain low-fat protein with omega 3 fatty acids. However, you are advised to keep a closer intake of fish because some fish species may contain too much mercury bad for health, such as mackerel, swordfish, and shark. The fish are usually minimal mercury that is safe for consumption, such as salmon and tuna cans are not of the type of albacore. It is recommended to eat 225-340 grams of fish per week are varied.
- You and your couple are encouraged to stop smoking before starting the program get pregnant because smoking reduces fertility quality. Just so you know, for you who are pregnant and continue to smoke, could face the risk of having a miscarriage, you know!
- Limit your intake of food or alcoholic beverages, especially for you, the prospective mother. Some experts found that women who drank two alcoholic drinks a day dosing will experience fertility declines of almost 60 percent.
Maintain Weight Loss order Ideal
The body mass index (body mass index - BMI) Asian populations are normal before you get pregnant ranged from 18.5 to 22.9. This index number can be calculated by weight (kg) divided by height squared (m) 2. Weight below normal or above normal can have an impact on decreasing your chance to get pregnant because your body becomes more rarely ovulate.
A study revealed that women who had a BMI before pregnancy around 25-39 would take twice as long to get pregnant. Meanwhile, women with a BMI below 19 would take four times longer to get pregnant.
In addition, abnormal weight is also associated with health risks, such as maternal weight was below normal is associated with an increased risk of having babies with low birth weight as well. Meanwhile, the mother's weight is above normal before pregnancy is associated with increased risk of complications during pregnancy.
It helps you begin to maintain ideal body weight before undergoing pregnant. For those of you who are overweight or obese, it is recommended to reduce weight gradually and consistently, ie not more than about 0.5-1 kg per week. Also, get used to eating healthy foods as early as possible so that you're already accustomed to living a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy.
One more thing, do not forget to exercise regularly. A healthy diet and exercise are two important preparation prior to pregnancy because when you are pregnant is not recommended for diet or exercise freely as ever. Lifestyle changes gradually and consistently will make your effort to maintain ideal weight remains more successful than the approach instantly.
Consuming Vitamin Supplements If Needed
Sometimes, meets a balanced diet by eating food is varied in order to get a variety of nutrients is difficult. Now, to prevent malnutrition condition, it is advisable to take vitamin supplements. However, remember that supplements are only responsible for assisting and not as a substitute for food. Mothers could take supplements of folic acid on a daily basis, generally as much as 400 micrograms (mcg). Folic acid is needed to protect the baby from neural defects.
In addition to mothers, expectant fathers need nutrients that contribute to stay healthy sperm. You can cautioned him to take supplements of vitamins C and E, zinc, and folic acid. Also, make sure she also underwent a healthy and balanced diet, and regular exercise.
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