GHS - Folic acid is a form of vitamin B complex is soluble in water. This substance is required in the construction of the body because it is multifunctional, from producing DNA to form red blood cells.
The existence of these nutrients has long been known to be important as a custodian of health for all ages, from babies in the womb to adults.
What are the functions of Folic Acid
Some of the benefits of the body if adequate folic acid, among others:
The process of formation of cells of the body and the cells carrying the genetic code runs fine.
Folic acid collaborate with vitamin B12 and vitamin C to help the body break down, use, as well as forming new proteins. Compounds of this protein will help the formation of red blood cells and produce DNA, build the basic foundation of the body that carries the genetic information of a person. In addition to producing DNA, folic acid also plays a role in repairing DNA and RNA. Folic acid also plays a role in helping the division and rapid cell growth.
Avoid Anemia
One of the functions of folic acid is to form red blood cells. Without enough folic acid, the production of red blood cells will always be below normal so you can easily suffer from anemia.
Prevent babies born with disabilities
The formation of the central nervous've done since the beginning of human conception. Folic acid is an effect to prevent the occurrence of defects in the brain (anencephaly) or central nervous system disorders (spina bifida). This nutrient is also instrumental in the establishment, repair and function of DNA and the foundation of the body's cells that will affect the growth of the placenta and fetal development. So, pregnant women need more folic acid intake to avoid babies are born with disabilities.
Foods Rich Folic Acid
Important benefits of folic acid for our body, is not it? Luckily, foods that contain folic acid is available in large quantities. Some foods rich in folic acid are easily available around us, among others:
- Green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, and lettuce.
- Legumes, such as peas.
- Fruits, such as melon, banana and lemon.
- Folate-fortified foods, such as breads, cereals, and juice.
How can Enough Folic Acid?
In order for the body's need for folic acid is fulfilled, do not dwell on just one source. Eating a varied diet will be better because it can also prevent boredom. Consumption of foods containing folic acid with different variations are also not harmful to the body. Because even though there are excessive levels of folic acid in the body, will soon be released by the body through urine.
The need for folic acid itself varies for each individual. Several instruments that affect the body's need for folic acid include age and gender. Other influences such as pregnancy and disease play a role in the fulfillment of folic acid for the body.
If after eating foods that contain folic acid on top of you are still experiencing a shortage of folic acid, you should immediately contact a doctor. Your doctor will probably recommend that you take folic acid supplements to be tailored to the needs and condition of your body.
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