Sebenarnya pada tahap awal, kanker payudara pada umumnya tidak mendatangkan gejala apa pun. Oleh karenanya, penting untuk melakukan deteksi dini kanker payudara, termasuk melakukan SADARI (Periksa Payudara Sendiri) dan pemeriksaan payudara di fasilitas kesehatan secara rutin.
Such as cancer in general, breast cancer is a disease that is difficult to detect early. Symptoms usually only felt when the cancer cells have already begun and tasted. Therefore, in addition to being aware of abnormalities that may occur, periodic breast examinations necessary for early symptoms of breast cancer can be detected immediately.
Here's a guide to the characteristics which can be an early symptom of breast cancer:
A lump in the breast or armpit that does not disappear after the menstrual period. Furthermore, there are actually many causes of a lump in the breast. Lump is cancer tend to feel hard, no pain, and the edges are uneven. But there is also a cancerous lump is painful, tender, and with flat edges. This is the reason why after feeling a lump in the breast, it is important to immediately checked by a doctor to detect all possible early on.
In addition, although it may not yet be felt when touched, but this lump can be detected long ago through a mammogram. Therefore, periodic examination using mammograms provide more opportunities for the person to be able to detect early symptoms of breast cancer even before tasted.
Changes in the nipple, such as sunken nipples, stinging, discharge, or itchy.
Breast pain continuously. Nevertheless, breast pain can also be caused by other things, such as the use of oral contraceptives, fertility program, the use of a bra that does not fit, cysts, or stress. To ascertain the cause, it's good to consult a doctor immediately.
- There is basins in the breast.
There is a scaly rash on the nipple. This condition is a symptom of Paget's disease, which can be associated with breast cancer.
Breast changed in terms of size, surface, texture, or temperature. Breast skin surface with holes small, such as orange and reddish skin is a sign of advanced stage breast cancer.
Discharge from the nipple appear colored, clear, or bloody. In addition to the cancer cells, breast fluid can also occur because of infection.
Their breast surface that looks different from the whole area.
- Rash on or around the nipple.
There are times when cancer cells do not appear as a large lump in the breast, but it had already spread through the lymph nodes or the collar bone to the armpit and cause a lump in these areas. Therefore, even in women 90 percent of breast lumps are not cancer, but for sure, it is better immediately consult a doctor. Moreover, not only in women, although not common, breast cancer can also occur in men with early symptoms more or less similar.
When examined characteristics that you feel or suspected as early symptoms of breast cancer to the doctor, the doctor will first perform a physical examination to check the surface of the breast, nipple, and armpits. The doctor will also ask general things, such as whether to have children and breastfeed, drugs that have or are consumed, as well as lifestyle.
Therefore the majority of breast cancer linked to genetic, then your doctor will most likely ask a family member's health history. With mammogram examination is commonly used to locate and detect whether the breast lump is benign or malignant. Ultrasound, MRI, or biopsy can also be used to confirm the results.
In the end, experience one or more of the above symptoms does not mean you are found to have breast cancer, but it does not hurt to anticipate all possibilities as early as possible in order to get proper treatment. As an initial examination at home, you can check your own breasts by hand to detect any unusual lumps.
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