GHS - Sweating is a normal thing that happens to everyone. When someone is experiencing heat or fatigue, the sweat will soon pour out of the skin of the body. However, sometimes the smell of sweat is not very pleasant or even tasted very salty, for example, when we did not shower a day. Here are some of the conditions in which our sweat does not come out as usual.
Some people put a very smelly smell of sweat and odor exceed those normally incurred. Women's Health itself spread the news if the person is in a physical condition that is not normally like when under pressure or stress, then the smell of sweat will be much different than the smell of sweat released during exercise, which is much more smell. This is because sweat is produced by glands aprokin that can be found in the armpit area. As we know, the armpit has a lot of protein, fat, and also bacteria that smell emitted when we stress will tend to foul. Sweat normal heat emitted when we are usually produced by different glands, the exocrine glands are spread evenly throughout the body. The smell of sweat will tend to be neutral because it consists of water and salt.
SEE ALSO : Shower when Still Sweating, could have caused danger
Sometimes, issued sweat on faces that appear when you exercise will make the eyes feel sore. The pain is usually caused by sweat tends smelled salty and indicates that salt intake in our body is not balanced. For this reason many people who consume a special drinking water intake can keep fluid levels and calcium in the body to make sure she is well hydrated during physical activity.
Sweat also can appear redundant with very large quantities and faster to appear. This condition is known medically with hyperhidrosis should immediately consult the nearest doctor. Conversely, if we trouble to sweat despite doing a lot of physical activity, then we are at risk of getting the disease anhidrosis, or even trauma to the skin. In this instance continues, then we must check the condition of our body to the nearest doctor.
Here's How To Eliminate Body Odor Naturally and Permanently:
1. Using betel leaves
Betel leaf has been known since the time of the ancestors will usefulness as deodorizing, both for the female sex and to address the person's body odor. How to use betel leaves is of course very easy, that is by boiling. Select 3 to 5 pieces of fresh betel leaf, and then boiled using 2 cups of water. Boil until boiling and allow the water to evaporate until the take tersisah water over 1 cup only. Furthermore, you can consume the cooking water regularly every day to get optimum results.
In addition to taking it, you can also use boiled water betel leaves to shower. The way is to boil 30 pieces of betel leaf into enough water to boiling. After the cooking water to mix with the usual cold water and use for bathing. This method can overcome the body odor from the outside.
2. Ginger
Ginger is one of the spices that can be used to eliminate body odor. How to use ginger is also very easy. You can consume ginger every day, or you can also overcome the problem of body odor you, by rubbing your armpits with ginger that has been cut or split first.
3. Consuming basil leaves
Furthermore, you can take advantage of basil leaves to overcome the problem of body odor from the inside. The trick, you can often consume basil leaves so that it can mmengatasi your body odor problem.
4. Utilize cloves
How to eliminate body odor next is to utilize cloves. It's easy, you can soak the cloves with water and wait until fluffy, then add the sugar and a few hours later you can consume.
5. Using lime and whiting
Both mixtures powerful enough to tackle your body odor. For how, you can take the lime juice, then add whiting and rub the mixture on the armpits.
6. Always keep body
Keep cleanliness of the body can be done in various ways. One of them is with bath 2 to 3 times a day. Use soap or body wash other types of bacteria in the body that is lost and does not cause body odor.
For satisfactory results try to implement one of the ways to eliminate body odor on a regular basis. That way you no longer need to use perfume every time, in addition to easy ways are also no side effects that are harmful to your health. Thus the tips I can give this time, happy to try the above.
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