It is common knowledge that smoking is not good for the health of the body, including the brain. This is because the hazardous materials used in the manufacture of cigarettes. One of the most viscous substance in cigarettes and harmful to health, including the brain, is nicotine. Moreover, nicotine is easily absorbed by the human body and has addictive properties.
Nicotine is an organic compound naturally found in tobacco leaves, the main ingredient used to make cigarettes. Although basically nicotine can enter through the skin, mucus membranes in the nose and mouth, but most cases occur, precisely nicotine enters the body through smoking. In the case of smokers, nicotine usually enters the body through the lungs and alveoli. The alveoli are the lungs which serves as the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the breathing process. When smoke is inhaled into the lungs for smokers, nicotine will move through the alveoli into the bloodstream, where only within an interval of 15 seconds will be transported throughout the body including the brain. So that nicotine would have an influence on the brain.
Effect of Nicotine on the Brain
1. Lowering Performance Neurons In Brain
Actually Nicotine contained in cigarettes can cause damage to the brain in a time of uncertainty. Of course this will greatly affect the performance of neurons in the brain in charge of channeling all the information to the rest of the nervous system in the brain. Nicotine has spread to the brain would be bound to each other in a subset of neurons, and also binds the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. So it will be able to block the neuron transmits a message that the copy be related to muscle movement and energy levels.
2. Acetylcholine and Dopamine Levels Rising
The amount of nicotine into the brain can also create increasing levels of acetylcholine. This happens because their receptors in the brain is blocked by nicotine to make the brain to release more acetylcholine to find the synapses between neurons. With increasing levels of acetylcholine is what nantiya can cause smokers to be more vigilant, and also an increase in dopamine can leave feeling relaxed. So that a sense of relaxation that causes a smoker addiction or dependence on cigarettes.
Here are the dangers of smoking on the brain, among others:
1. Declining Quality of Memory
Research in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, Severine Sabia and colleagues from University College London to try to prove that among males were more likely than among women smokers will be more quickly degenerate brainpower. In this case, degeneration of the brain similar to having an influence on the quality of memory in the brain.
2. Decreasing Thinking
Apart from the declining quality of memory in the brain that has been described in points 1, would have influenced the thinking done by the smoker. In other words, the brain memory loss is directly proportional to a decrease in the way of thinking. If the quality of brain memory decline, then the thinking will be reduced. Which, other effects due to a decrease in the way of thinking is usually accompanied by a decrease in the level of learning, especially for adolescents.
3. Lowering Mental Function
Smoking habits affect the conditions that have an impact not good for the brain, especially the men, usually affects also the mental condition. Brain function decline in smokers because smoking is long overdue, will also affect the decline in mental function. It is also said by the researchers in the same study, the research on points 1. But for women, the decline in mental function is not yet known clearly because it corresponds to the fact that smoking is likely to be done by men.
4. Damaging Brain Performance
Smoking can damage the brain's performance can not be denied again. This is reinforced by a study conducted by researchers at the Montreal Neurological Institute of Mc Gill University, said that besides smoking is not good for health, it can also damage the brain's performance. This is a harmful effect on smokers, especially in the long term smoking can endanger life.
5. Discouraging Layer Cortex
The cortex layer is a layer that is in the brain in the outermost part of the brain responsible for storing memories, language, and perception. The habit of smoking by smokers also expressed by the same researchers as in point 4 that smoking can shrink layer cortex. A shrinking cortex layer will also decrease the function.
6. Increase Disease Risk Stroke
Stroke is a disease that is caused due to clotting of blood flow that occurs in the brain. This occurs because the freezing disebebkan substances into the content in cigarettes. Which, according to one study says that the risk of stroke increased two times to four times higher in smokers compared with nonsmokers.
If clots in the brain caused by substances contained in cigarettes continues, then the blood clot may raise a person's chances of having a stroke. This is because the blood clot will block blood flow in the brain. And as it is also known that stroke is a disease that has a high risk of causing death to a person.
Thus the dangers that can be caused by smoking to smoking. Therefore, avoid smoking for the health because, as we know that overall smoking is not good for health. In other words, smoking is not only harmful to the brain alone, but for other parts of the body, such as the heart, lungs, and other vital organs.
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