GHS - Do you often talk in-depth and length, and exchange short messages with the opposite sex who is not your spouse? Be careful. Do not tell me you're an affair heart.
Many people thought that he would leave his wife for a woman sexier or more beautiful. While women will leave her husband for him more settled. The study found that's not the main issue of divorce.
Men Having an affair: Emotional Closeness
More than 80 percent admitted to having an affair with a woman instead of a more physically attractive than his wife. The main reason a man having an affair is not because he wants to have sex with a woman who was sexier, but more because of the loss of emotional intimacy with his wife.
Approximately 48 percent of men admitted that they want to be appreciated by his wife because of his hard work. Unfortunately, because men are not expressive than women, it is likely he would not discuss his needs to his wife. As a result, they feel that the relationship with emotional intimacy with another person.
Along the way the wedding, couples can gradually become less appreciate each others company. This award is one of the key building emotional closeness may then be obtained from others. The study found that nearly half of men who cheated on their mistresses met at work. Therefore man needs recognition, it is generally women who become mistresses are those who praise and admire his hard work.
Women Having an affair: Solitude and Need Attention
In women, infidelity often stems from a feeling of itself, is not happy, and feel abandoned by their partners. For women, infidelity generally be the way as a transition before ending the marriage, while for men, it simply becomes an alternative strategy. Women want someone who looked and admired him so that he feels like first.
The affair became a way for women to get the attention they want. Some women want to end the marriage, but do not dare to do, so taking the affair as a means of transition. In addition, some women having an affair at the time when they are fragile or undergo major changes in his life, such as when the loss of a job or failure of the business. In this period, cheating is considered as a way to calm herself.
An affair Hearts
The main reason of the above makes a lot of people who then an affair heart, even without them knowing it. Most people who undergo cheating heart feel that something is missing in her marriage. So that when there is a man or another woman to whom she talked, she felt cared for and desired.
Although not always involve physical contact, but affair heart that does not mean wrong. Many relationships are simply emotionally began this led to sexual intercourse. Furthermore, an affair hearts even more dangerous than physical infidelity. Couples who had sexual intercourse does not always have the closeness and affection. Instead, liver affair involving the emotional side, is connectedness, closeness, mutual love, and ultimately love.
Therefore do not involve physical contact, some people find it difficult to categories whether they're having a heart affair. Check for the following signs to know if you have or are cheating heart.
- You dress up and be more careful choosing clothes to attract the attention of others.
- You focus a lot of emotional energy on the person. You tend to feel sad or jealous if he's ignoring you.
- You tell it like dreams and expectations that are not even known by your official partner.
- You feel guilty if your primary partner see you together.
- You tell your household problems.
- You consider it important and often take time to be with him.
- You keep meeting and your conversation of an official couple, including instant messaging and email.
- You feel dependent on him emotionally.
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Since it was difficult to digest by the logic, infidelity makes one question their common sense, so it may feel depressed, often crying, and can not concentrate. This is why people who undergo a monogamous marriage with really hold sacred promise they proved to be more mentally healthy.
Not a few marriages were returned intact after infidelity. Everything takes the role of both parties to evaluate ourselves, to forgive, to give time for each other, and to renew the commitment, as well as emotional closeness. Involving a third party such as a therapist, psychologist, or relatives can help the process of reconciliation.
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