GHS - Rio De Janeiro - Zika virus outbreak is increasingly alarming. Zika virus turned out to be identified in saliva and urine of infected patients. Researchers at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, a public health institute in Brazil, found this through genetic tests. However, according to researchers at the institute, further research is needed to identify whether the fluid that can spread the infection.
Scientific tests conducted by researchers at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation to use genetic tests to identify the virus in samples belonging to two patients when they have symptoms of the disease and identified infected mosquito innate Zika-infections that trigger fears for global health.
"This is the first time the virus was detected in saliva and urine," said scientists at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation to the media in Rio de Janeiro, as quoted by the New York Times on February 5, 2016.
Only, the researchers say it is too early to make sure someone can Zika virus through saliva and urine.
"The fact that the virus was discovered with the ability to cause infection does not mean proof it can infect other people through the liquid," said Myrna Bonaldo, the researchers who made the discovery.
The findings add to concerns that Zika, which is usually transmitted the mosquito Aedes aegypti, may be transferred in other ways, mainly through sexual contact.
Scientists examined previous reports a few weeks ago that a citizen of the United States infecting Zika to their sexual partners in Dallas, Texas. On Thursday, February 4, 2016, the Brazilian health authorities confirmed the news that two cases of Zika virus occurs through blood transfusions.
What Dangers Of Virus Zika?
1. Causing birth defects in children
Despite the fact that mosquito-borne diseases is very similar to yellow fever, West Nile virus and chikungunya, Zika was the first disease that is directly related to major congenital malformations such as microcephaly.
Reported by FoxNews, Zika virus can affect pregnancy, and pose a risk of birth defects in children. Babies born with microcephaly will require lifelong monitoring and treatment. There is no cure, and these children will suffer developmental delays and cognitive.
In Brazil recorded nearly 4 thousand cases since October 2015. microcephaly microcephaly attacked two to 12 babies per 10 thousand births in the United States.
2. Triggering a nervous breakdown
Besides dangerous for pregnant women, there are a bunch of cases where the virus can attack the nervous system of adults and causes inflammation of nerve roots in the spine.
This condition called Guillain-Barre, which is a neurological disorder that causes muscle weakness that starts in the feet and then spread to the arms and face.
Patients who experience it will be numbness, difficulty walking and paralysis extremes. In severe cases, patients require life support equipment. Because it takes a few weeks to recover, patients usually suffer from nerve damage.
The World Health Organization (WHO) said the authorities in El Salvador reported 46 cases of Guillain-Barre within a period of five weeks, namely from 1 to December 6, 2015.
The exact cause of the autoimmune system is not known, but some patients who experience these symptoms also have symptoms of Zika.
3. The virus spreads quickly
Almost every hour there are the latest developments regarding the spread of Zika virus is widespread in the United States. In Colombia, there are 600 thousand cases predicted.
If a patient is infected with Zika virus while visiting the affected areas, patients can become the focal point of the Aedes aegypti mosquito to contract the virus.
If you have a virus outside the affected areas, then you go back home and bitten by Aedes Aegypti other, then the mosquito can infect another person.
It's important for us to be proactive prevention, considering that there is currently no cure or vaccine for treating Zika.
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