GHS - Pica is an eating disorder where sufferers often consume substances that are not nutritious continuously for approximately one month. Pika are much more common in children than adults. This happens because the child's habits try and left because it is not known by parents (adults caring for children). Pica sufferers reported it may consume a wide variety of non-food substances such as clay, sand, rocks, pebbles, hair, ice, wood, nails, paper, chalk, coal, even dirt.
Eating disorder is a condition caused by a variety of things including the biological, emotional, psychological, interpersonal, and social factors. Eating disorders in children is not just difficult to eat, but eat too much and pica (eating habits objects that can not be eaten). The cause is still unclear. But it noted that iron deficiency and anemia can trigger the eating disorder.
Initial therapy needs to be done is a behavioral therapy or behavioral intervention in order to divert attention to how to restructure the environment and counseling. If behavioral therapy is not successful, then the medical treatment is a class of drugs antidepressants dianataranya fluvoxamin example, zimelidin, paroxetin, fluoxetine and citalopram (Morrow, 2010). Moreover, it can be given Bupropion is used in the treatment of persistent pica disorder, chronic, and suffered severe nicotine dependence (Ginsberg, 2006).
This eating disorder disease can be prevented early on with the role of parents in caring for and educating children. Parents must be active in keeping their children especially in the age of the introduction stage of the objects for the first time he met. Parents should be introduced to child objects unsafe and dangerous to be eaten or used. Things like that are very important as prevention of eating disorders that disease one of which is the pika does not occur in children.
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However, if pica already affected by the disease, parents must be committed to helping cure children with emphatic manner. But in fact, parents often weak and sorry if their child is crying and finally let the child do the behavior or habit.
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