GHS - In order for the body to feel more relaxed and healthy always, one thing you really need to do is rest or sleep enough. But this is it, despite enough sleep and rest, not infrequently we still often feel tired and body aches. When you wake up, the body even felt very tired and lazy for waking or activity. Approximately, what causes the body still tired even after sleeping enough or even sleep better at night?
Quoted from page, the body often feel tired after sleep can be caused by many things. Dr. Michael Decker, Ph.D., a sleep specialist and professor at Case Western School of Nursing said that fatigue after sleep can be caused by many things, especially thoughts are less comfortable. Although the body while a person is asleep and the rest of the brain continue to think, that causes fatigue. Not only that, Dr. Michael also mentions a few other things that cause the body to feel tired even after resting or sleeping enough. Some of the causes include the following.
- Stress
When the mind of stress, depression or even think very hard, it will trigger the body felt very tired when I wake up. As described above, even if the body (body) while the rest of the brain kept thinking, it will trigger the body to feel tired indirectly. Dr. Naiman, a health expert said that if the stress will interfere with the quality of one's sleep. In the visible, someone may look very soundly and comfortably while sleeping. But actually, it could be someone's uncomfortable and suffered nightmares during sleep that made him feel tired when you wake up.
- Nutrition For Body Unfulfilled With Good
This is the most frequent cause why a person often feels tired after waking. Nutrition for the body is not properly fulfilled. When the nutrients the body can not properly fulfilled, it will lead to organ does not work well and make the body easily tired, lethargic and weak. Not only tired after waking up, feeling tired it could come at any time and under any circumstances.
- Specific Drug Consumption
The next cause of which often makes the body feel tired after waking up is the consumption of certain drugs. Dr. Breus, a sleep specialist revealed that drugs that often makes the body feel tired after waking up is a pain medication and anti-depressants as well as Excerdrin, Benadryl, NyQuil or Zyrtec. Other drugs are also often cause the body is tired after sleeping medication heart disease, high blood pressure diabetes. Dr. Hrayr Attarian, M.D a neurologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital of Chicago, Illonis said that if the drug is not only to make the body tired after sleeping alone. Furthermore, this drug will also make your mind becomes less comfortable and trouble sleeping.
Those are some things that cause the body to feel tired after waking up. In addition to the above, there are actually other things that also causes the body tired after sleeping. For example, health problems coccyx and neck as well as improper sleeping position. The habit of sleeping too late is also said to be capable of deteriorating the quality of sleep and the health condition of the body. If you experience this, make sure to implement a healthy lifestyle, exercise, drinking enough water, multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits and have rest or sleep enough and at the right time.
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